Kalamatiano  << Back

Starting position. Feet together facing obliquely Right.
Step Tempo Traveling step to the Right. Begin on right foot.
1 slow Step to the Right on the right foot.
2 quick Step to the Right on the left foot slightly behind right.
3 quick Step to the Right on the right foot alongside left.
Continue Traveling Step to Right. Begin on left foot.
4 slow Step to the Right on the left foot in-front of right
5 quick Step to the Right on the right foot alongside left.
6 quick Step to the Right on the left foot in-front of right.
Pausing Step in Place. Begin on right foot.
7 slow Step to the Right on the right foot.
8 quick Step in-front of right foot on the left foot.
9 quick Shift weight from left foot back onto right foot which steps back into place.
Continue Pausing Step in Place. Begin on left foot.
10 slow Step diagonally backwards to the left on the left foot.
11 quick Step diagonally backwards on the right foot behind left/
12 quick Shift weight from right foot bach onto left foot which steps forward into former place.
Repeat entire sequence of 12 Steps untill the dance ends.